
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2020

Python - Pandas Cheat Sheet

Artigo completo em português: Pandas is a Python library for data analysis and data manipulation with a lot of tools that help us to work with databases like MySQL, data based on text files like csv, json, html or Excel files. Free, powerful and with a low learning curve it's a great tool for beginners on Python language and an alternative to people that use Excel as an analysis tool. To start with Pandas or learn the basics you don't need to install any software, just access an online tool like Google Colab . My intention in this post is to show a small cheat sheet with basics of Pandas as a kind of beginner's guide or a consultation guide. Let's go To load Pandas library import pandas as pd Importing data from external source Import text files // Regular csv separated by commas pd.read_csv('filename') // Separated by semicolon pd.read_csv('fil...